this set is relatively incompatible with tile world. specifically, levels 1, 3-9, 11-12, and 14-18 are currently impossible in tile world because of emulation differences, and levels 2, 10, 21-23, and 28 exhibit aberrant behavior. levels 13, 19-20, and 24-27, and 29-30 should be emulated correctly. additionally, some levels which require resetting game data (level 1, for example) may not work if pgchip is installed. see the comments page for more information. once a level is solved, i will add information about it to the comments page.
highest overall scores
perfect score: 2742101 pieguy 215940 2 James Anderson 203940 3 Charles Wenzel 113270 4 Paul Gilbert 77690 5 Tom Rowe 71880 6 Tyler Sontag 70040 7 Mike L 48540 8 Peter Marks 48460 9 J.B. Lewis 38820 10 ChipHome5 36580 11 ChosenID 33910 12 jeanne 24900 13 andrew e. 20500
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high scores by level
level # highest confirmed score higher scores-to be confirmed score first reported by first confirmed by score first reported by 1 660 pieguy James Anderson 2 3 4 84 pieguy James Anderson 85 James Anderson 5 87 pieguy 6 96 James Anderson Tyler Sontag 7 95 andrew e. 96 James Anderson 8 48 pieguy James Anderson 9 234 ChipHome5 235 James Anderson 10 719 pieguy James Anderson 724 James Anderson 11 704 pieguy 724 James Anderson 12 13 14 920 Charles Wenzel 946 pieguy 15 920 Charles Wenzel 946 pieguy 16 17 18 990 pieguy 991 ChosenID 19 20 89 ChipHome5 90 James Anderson 21 92 pieguy James Anderson 22 199 Tom Rowe James Anderson 23 3805 pieguy James Anderson 24 571 Tom Rowe 595 pieguy 25 26 27 87 J.B. Lewis pieguy 28 128 Paul Gilbert James Anderson 172 James Anderson 29 143 Paul Gilbert James Anderson 30 0 n/a