
History-Places.dat levelset with 60 levels for CCLP1- 4 Consideration,

This levelset is no longer the primary entry for CCLP-1 As the "Places.dat" levelset is now my only CCLP-1 ENTRY.

This levelset now serves as the qualifying levelset for "Places.dat".

highest overall scores

perfect score: 1115370
2Tom Rowe140290
3Victor Tsukamoto61870


evolution of high scores


high scores by level

level # highest confirmed scorehigher scores-to be confirmed
scorefirst reported by first confirmed by scorefirst reported by
154 Victor Tsukamoto130thinker
2214thinker 225Victor Tsukamoto
3  501thinker
4337thinker 354Victor Tsukamoto
5  130thinker
6332thinker 349Victor Tsukamoto
739 Victor Tsukamoto203thinker
8  226thinker
9218thinker 277Victor Tsukamoto
10  332thinker
11  334thinker
12  189thinker
13248thinker 313Victor Tsukamoto
14454 Victor Tsukamoto585thinker
15  162thinker
16  330thinker
17  279thinker
18  311thinker
19  214thinker
20245thinker 322Victor Tsukamoto
21  270thinker
22  60thinker
23  189thinker
24  269thinker
25  303thinker
26  235thinker
27  391thinker
28  589thinker
29  440thinker
30  497thinker
31  272thinker
32  322thinker
33  174thinker
34  200thinker
35  104thinker
36  312thinker
37  245thinker
38  296thinker
39  439thinker
40  335thinker
41  469thinker
42  392thinker
43  358thinker
44  397thinker
45  128thinker
46  128thinker
47  430thinker
48  191thinker
49  279thinker
50  173thinker
51  460thinker
52  278thinker
53557thinker 802Tom Rowe
54  370thinker
55  691thinker
56153thinker 301Tom Rowe
57656thinker 876Tom Rowe
58  348thinker
59531thinker 800Tom Rowe
60  458thinker
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