source: level 12, MyBest37
HINT: Start int the south east erea, it has more blocks to work with, but you can't kill the serpent there.
source: Level 25, MyBest37
HINT: WAIT--(FORCE gliders into bombs)Go north first and then counter clockwise, after you are done withe the NE quadrant. At the end, you will have to double back
source: level 1, MyBest
HINT: Use the fireball clone to kill bombs in corridors.
source: level 7, World-Map
HINT: Chips will need to puch a block north to latter kill a bomb when doing the loop. Chips will return to home base before doing the two loops.
source: level 7, MyBest37
HINT: Dont' move the tanks too fast, it will messup the tank arrangement. There are trap doors to watch out for. At the end, Chips will need to go back through some rooms to get the last few chips. Some rooms are more tricky than others!!
source: level 10, MyBest37
HINT: hold still in the corners to pull the frogs close, and then take off to other corners
source: level8, MyBest37
HINT: The left half is almost an mirror image of the right half.
source: level 31, My Best37
HINT:Below the three stacked doors, push a block straight down onto trap release button.// work green button along with trap button to release tank to activate fireballs. The fireballs will eventually need to pass all the way through the layout to kill bombs in the south west...use blocks to force path for fireballs. Push block onto FF tile in the bottom row to slide west to be a movable block that bumps the fireballse to kill bombs in the SW corner.//Chips will need to use glider in small room to kill bomb near exit// setup block to force firballs into kill bombs in start areas to get a blue key// also, use block to force fireball though yellow door opening to kill bomb to get the other blue key.//go through teleport to get Flipper and Ice Skate and the slide on around on ice and FF.. push a block down through fire tiles to kill last bomb and go into water corridor to exit.
source: level 14, World-Map
HINT:Chips will need to teleport to turn dirt (right side of sun) into floor so that the glider will be killed. Latter Chip can fly over Mt Everest to force frog to kill bombs near exit...after Chips pushes block into water on the top row.
source: level 9, World-Map
HINT: Wait and then go east first. Then north. There are two circuts, one is water tiles.
source: level 16, MyBest37
HINT: QUAD access to chips: NW= north side//NE=south side//SW= west side//South East=is on the east side access to chip. Best access to shoes and keys in at the corners of the ice slide.
source: level 24, MyBest37
HINT: Trap gliders on the left side.Ultimately, Chips will be building a bridge and a vertical pathway for fireballs to go straight north to kill bombs in the North east corridor. This level has a split pathway which needs to be worked together overall.
source: level 14, MyBest37
HINT: Good idea to open yellow door first before going for FF shoe so that Chips doesn't get caught in yellow trap door. Getting ice skate is a priority for speed. Exit is in SW bottom corner.
source: level 3, World-Map
HINT:Utimately, Chips will need to build a bridge over the water back down to start area from the FF tile area using blocks from near the ice lake.
source: level 3, MyBest37
HINT: Start west to SW corner of staging area. Follow path. Chips will have to use ice slide to come back to staging area to get three more chips- if Chips does not win the race.
source: level 27, World-Map
HINT: Before activating fireball that will kill the bombs, open red door and do not take the chip on the left side of the block. Activate fircball with block on trap button in the small lake area.
source: level 37, MyBest37 This level (37) is not being included in -as one of the levels for consideration, but it was entered originally for consideration, etc. OR:
This could be considered a bonus level, depending on acceptance of CCLP1 staff and other considerations with level 39's notes, etc
HINT:The level is about a 3/4 view of the world map with Chips starting in Africa and going north into Europe and across the Arctic and then down into both Americas (but first collecting keys, etc in China) After Sth America, go to Australia. Teleport to Washington,DC to do final clone of gliders. DO NOT TAKE CHIP NORTH OF GREEN KEY (England), UNTIL LATTER. Chips will need to remove fake wall at first -for gliders to go to Africa and Sth America to kill bombs there. However, first Gliders will need to kill bombs in N America!
souce: level 50 Worl-Map
HINT: One of the harder levesl which can only be learned by trial and error. Block in the middle south room teleport into the middle west room. Chips teleports from the middle West room to the south West room - which should only be done after filling in the water in Middle west room. A huge objective would be to get the red keys in the South West room as soon as you have obtained the fire shoe.
souce: level 4, World-Map
source: level 5, World-Map
souce: level 32 and 33 MyBest37 (mixed part of areas were swapped around)
HINT: to start- push one block towards the west in the NW corner of the dirt area. After getting Flipper, come back and build bridges from the other three sides of the dirt area...come back latter for FF shoe.
souce: level 37, World-Map
HINT:park blocks as best you can until you get the FF shoe and then the green that Chips can start filling in the water corridors. The main bottleneck is in the top row right above the red door. Make sure that the tank next to the water is always down south before moveing blocks in that area.
source: level 17, MyBest37
HINT:to start--Draw the frogs into the small rooms to kill the bombs by sliding in the ice as the frogs approuch.
source: level 18, MyBest37
HINT: Once you get a clone block access available, just keep cloneing that one side before moving on.
source: level 10, World-Map
HINT: Ultimately, the glider will be used to kill the last bomb...after a pathway is opened up.
source: level 11, World-Map
Same hint as level 25
source: level 6, MyBest37
HINT: A lot of effort can be elliminated if you find the shortcut. This levels has two halves which can be access from and through the start area. First go west and build access in the SW area to latter come down and get the ice skate from the area north of that. Be aware that there will be a Red trap door, so discharge the red key before taking the FF shoe.
source: level 20, MyBest37
HINT: To start, Chips will need to go through the blue door and work clockwise around the level. Chips will need all the keys from the start area.
source: level 15, MyBest37
HINT: There is a false exit in this level.
source: level 21, MyBest37
source: level 19, MyBest37
HINT: don't move that tanks, access is via a pop-up wall after going through a fake wall. Chips will need to bring in other block from outside to kill bombs near sockets.
souce: level 29, MyBest37
HINT: it's a good idea not to take all the chips at first in the teleport rooms...until Chips had collected the chips in the corridors.
source: level 30, MyBest37
HINT:The exit tile in in the NE corner. Use fireballs to kill all the bombs to open up path to exit. Setup blocks to direct the fireballs.
source: level 39, World-Map
HINT: Similar to level 33 in lots of ways. Generally, work your way into the resevoir first and then cross the dam and make path through the dirt to kill bombs with fireballs which comee straight down from start area into dirt area. Work your way up the right side and then attack the bombs in the NE area,
source: level 6, MyBest37
source: level 2, MyBest37
HINT: In Lynx stop the noise - you can block the tank from crossing the green toggle button...after getting the FF shoe and chips, etc.
source: level 12, World-Map
HINT: Chips needs to climb high enough to draw frogs up to kill some bombs...//then, glider needs to be re-directed to kill a bomb near that Flipper can be used to access from the top row.
source: level 28, World-Map
HINT: near the end --much time and effort can be saved by obtaining the Flipper in the NW corner.
source: level 1, World-Map
Since there is another version of this level, I would like to have this level be considered as the valid level... see notes in the News Group on March 21, 2013
HINT: Somewhat similar to level 17 (World War I) but Africa is more difficult. IN this level, however, Chips does not need to adjust what happend in England, another tricky area is the NW ares of USA, where chips will need to double back and go around using another FF shoe. Chips will need to collect chips in the Pacific ocean after the glider kills the protecting bombs.
source: level 27, MyBest37
HINT: The main objective is to get the ice skate which enables a lot of things to happen. The teleport is tricky- one of the hardest levels. But, a nice animation with the Japs bombing Pearl Harbor.
source: level 6, World-Map
source: level 33, World-Map
source: level 36, World-Map
source: level 26, MyBest37
HINT: leave dirt in water to force glider into the marsh area. Kind of like the double maze with two main routes. IN the NW area, is were Chips needs to double back and return in the route that he came into it. The trick is to discharge the blue keys so that you don't get caught in the blue door trap. Chip will not need to get the chip near the ice slide.
source: level 23, MyBest37
HINT: to use the long row of block near the bottom...start with pushing the far right block into the water and then work your way across from right to left...nudging the blocks up to the FF tile and on through to far north area and on around to the NW area...working both approuches to access the room with the Flipper first. Access to the middel north room is on the far righ side with tank pointing towards water.
source: level 15, World-Map
Trial and error type of level
source: level 31, World-Map
HINT:Trial and error type level...Chips must collect 20 chips before pushing block onto trigger trap button above red door. Work around clockwise, starting right above water row with the 3 keys. It the level doesn't work...Chips has not removed all the chips that block the monsters that go out to kill the bombs.
souce: level 22, MyBest37
HINT: This is a technical level in that sometimes the function of the moveing blocks miss-fires. Just nudge the block in the angle FF tiles to get started..but keep moving..don't stop. The main trick is in the SW corner where you will have to make the right choice!
source: level 51, World-Map -which was deleted, at the time, because it was so bad and it didn't work. But, I have fixed it and have entered it again.
HINT: I will have to play the level again so that I can remember what to do, sorry
source: level 32, World-Map
HINT: Enter and exit using the top, bottom or sides blocks in the ice lake area when going through the cluster of blocks. At the end in the NW area, Chips will need to release the Frog/teeth in order to be draged over the trap near the exit to kill the protecting bomb. to do that: Chips will also need to manuver east/west to manipulate the southern frog over to the clone button above the ice skate. This is a difficutl level and must be done in a certain sequence.
source: level 45, World-Map
HINT:Block gliders so that you can go west to get the Flipper. Cross the GG bridge to get red key. Don't hesitate to puch block onto blue button in NE the other blue button. Tank will need to move south into fake wall tile.
source: level 2, World-Map
HINT: Everything must be done in exact sequential order. 2 Gliders will clone (at the top of black building) to kill bombs near the start. FF shoe obtained from going through far right side building. Fire shoe obtained from passage from the building with exit tile. To get ice skate, bump blocks sideways.
source: level 13, MyBest37
COMMMENT: I'm sorry if this level offends you in terms of bringing back bad memories, especially when jumping from the tower. Try to remember that it's only a game. Thanks!
source: level 28, MyBest37
HINT: just get familiar where things are and it will get better as you do so. Kind of a trial and error type level.
source: level 40, World-Map
HINT: the mine work will be to build a pathway for fireballs to go all the way down to kill the bombs in the SE area. This level is similar to some other levels and you may get some ideas from playing them.
source: level 9, MyBest37
HINT: don't take the ice skate until you are ready! Chips wil need to clone 2 blocks to build the bridge to the ice skate...puching them around the start area...that's why Chips will need to keep the Fire shoe. So don't go after the second blue key until Chips reaches the ice skate. THEN, finish building a bridge down to to get the second blue key. Chips will not get caught on the trap.
source: level 16, World-Map
HINT: The hard part is find the blocks to push to kill the bombs in a sequence of moves in the NW lake get to the Flipper. There are 10 chips in earch main that you can keep count and know that you are done in that area.
source: level 29, World-Map
HINT:A lot of time can be saved by getting the Flipper in the NW area first to THEN release the Frogs and get the chips.
source: level 36, MyBest37
HINT: Push the block on the left side of the fire tile over onto the trap button and go up onto the trap and east to get the red key in the NE corner.// The trickest part is to kill the Frog in the NW quad, but there is a trick that is easy. //you will not be able to get the ice's just there for symmetry//There are 2 chips that are easy to miss or forget.//After blue door, slide over and back to get the red key to exit with.
source: level 34, MyBest37
HINT:above the 3 popup walls, push the right block- UP ONE TILE. Chips will need the FF shoe to get the red keys in starting area. /with Flipper: enter the "HELL" area first and kill bomb with block (up), etc. Later-when near green button, you may have to press it twice to get in sinc with and when pushing block up through teleport. There are only two traps that work for Chips to cross. You can contact me for more info by email at personal message in the hint tile is there because I care about you! I hope that you have enjoyed the levelset and thanks for playing it! Ian Wilson-thinker