
This is a simple beginner set made into "Magic Challenge" with CCTools.

highest overall scores

perfect score: 128010
1Richard B.127680
2Paul Gilbert127580
3Nikola Tesla127550
4James Anderson127530
5Peter Marks127530
6Mike L127520


evolution of high scores


high scores by level

level # highest confirmed scorehigher scores-to be confirmed
scorefirst reported by first confirmed by scorefirst reported by
183Mike LRichard B.  
274Mike LJames Anderson  
389Mike LRichard B.  
489Mike LRichard B.  
583Mike LRichard B.  
647Mike LRichard B.  
769Mike LJames Anderson  
8173Mike L 216Richard B.
970Mike LJames Anderson  
10200Mike LRichard B.  
11210Paul GilbertPeter Marks  
1224Mike LRichard B.  
13117Mike LRichard B.  
14195Mike LNikola Tesla  
15270James AndersonNikola Tesla271Paul Gilbert
1692Mike LNikola Tesla  
1784Mike LRichard B.  
1977Mike LJames Anderson  
20211Mike LNikola Tesla  
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