Last Hunter.dat
Chip will start a journey through various places and facing several monsters to find the treasure.
This is a conceptual levelset, so play it easy and enjoy it.
highest overall scores
perfect score: 2331501 Tom Rowe 233150
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high scores by level
level # highest confirmed score higher scores-to be confirmed score first reported by first confirmed by score first reported by 1 102 Tom Rowe 2 284 Tom Rowe 3 175 Tom Rowe 4 6 Tom Rowe 5 6 172 Tom Rowe 7 101 Tom Rowe 8 153 Tom Rowe 9 262 Tom Rowe 10 11 335 Tom Rowe 12 34 Tom Rowe 13 14 15 16 17 18 234 Tom Rowe 19 20 21 22 802 Tom Rowe 23 24 25 26 27 86 Tom Rowe 28 29 341 Tom Rowe 30 31 32 224 Tom Rowe 33 34 35 36 224 Tom Rowe 37 171 Tom Rowe 38 39 76 Tom Rowe 40 91 Tom Rowe 41 242 Tom Rowe 42 43 44