this level is not possible in versions of tile world prior to 1.1.3.ss2
this level was inspired by cclp2 134
thanks to anders for discovering an alternate route in a previous release.
i did the majority of the work on this level before chipedit's "monster order" feature.
this level is not possible in versions of tile world prior to 1.3.0
a classic example of why i don't report my own scores.
this level went through several complete revisions to ultimately become the hardest level in my set, as well as the level that took the longest to design. despite having 1920 different solutions, 6 months after i released the level only a single person had solved it. but with the following hint, the level becomes significantly easier:
the parity mentioned in the level's title is in reference to is whether the following is even or odd: chip's x-position + chip's y-position + number of chips left. if the parity is wrong, how can you make it right? (hint, hint)
due to memory issues that would cause the level to crash in MSCC, i had to shorten the hint on this level. the intended hint was "try to go to the highest one possible. the longer you wait, the better."
this level was inspired by the following question: "what is the worst possible score on level 91 (jumping swarm)?"
this was one of my favourite levels to design. unfortunately, the bust was discovered quite early.
i had help play testing this level from my friend ben at math camp.
there was a bug in tile world prior to 1.1.3.ss2 that allowed for faster solutions on this level. please make sure you use a more recent version.
imagine this level with a wall at (29,0)
this level and level 34 (the hard way) were meant to parallel cc levels 122 (totally fair) and 131 (totally unfair)
this level is based on a bug referred to as the "knight's move bug" which, in certain versions of windows, causes creatures with uninitialized directions to travel like a knight in chess.
if you're using tile world and/or windows xp, go right. otherwise go left.
there was a bug in tile world prior to 1.1.3.ss2 that allowed for faster solutions on this level. please make sure you use a more recent version.
this level is based on the impossible riddle:
draw a continuous line through a 3x3 grid that passes through every square twice and moves only horizontally and vertically. it can be proved impossible using a parity argument.
the popular solution for this level seems to be to use a map, but the right hand rule works too.
despite the fact that this level has no exit, it is possible. but there are some things you'll need to know:
this level is theoretically possible, but will take over 3.14*(10^20) years to complete. this happens because a glider reaches (30,27) only when all 10 clone buttons are simultaneously pressed, which happens every 97*101*103*107*109*113*127*128*131*133*135*137*139 = 968333183920508936927967360 steps, since those are the lengths of the paths of the fireballs, and they share no common factors. the 53rd glider to reach (30,27) will trigger the clone machine at (1,0) 66 steps after it is cloned. the first glider to reach (30,27) is cloned after 1 step, and it will take chip 2 steps to reach the exit after the clone machine is triggered, for a total of 1+52(968333183920508936927967360)+66+2 = 50353325563866464720254302789 steps. there are 5 steps in a second, 86400 seconds in a day, and 365.24 days in a year, for a total of 3.19*(10^20) years.