Storyline: Walker forces, once following Supreme Commander Togogyl, have invaded Monone.
This is based off of
A small island off the coast of Monone, this island is under the control of glides. Get past the gliders and get the chips to get into Monone City!
The hint should say it all.
this level might just be the hardest one in the set. Originally meant to be a walker version of Blobdance.
Similar to Monone City, except easier.
The key to this level is using the blocks to block the gliders.
Based of of one of Andrew G.'s levels, you have to beat the ball.
This level is based off of Jumping Swarm.
The answer can be pushed from the top or bottom. The equation is 3852/1284.
Based off of a CC1 level, called PROBLEMS.
Based off of "Get your dodging gear on!", a WilliamS1 level.
Based off of my CC-like game.
Automaton is short for Cellular Automaton.
The first part of a protein.
Also based on Jumping Swarm.
Based off of a CheeseT1 level.
Togogyl will escape at the end of this storyline, which is under construction.
Another Jumping Swarm-like level.
Named after the planet in Star Wars Episode II where all the cloning was done.
Alderaan is the name of the planet destroyed by the Imperials in Star Wars.
Not working yet. This storyline is under construction.