level 1: the most inane level ever!

see level 41 of pi.dat.

there are two solutions, one which gets stuck in an infinite loop and one which does not.

level 3: implausible

if one plays with a perfectly optimized route, level 3 takes longer than level 2... but the bold time for level 3 is greater than the bold time for level 2.

level 4: shine

as far as i know, this is the first time the multi-tank bug has been used in a level; i am unaware if it has even been characterized before. it exhibits many interesting properties, which are explored in subsequent levels.
also, 85 is possible.

level 5: precious

88 is possible.

level 6: bits of state

one of my scores on this level was 1339 (score, not time).

level 7: replacements

this level can be solved in 4 seconds.

level 8: turning it around

the original version of this level was tw-compatible, but i liked this one more.

level 10: easy

for higher scores on this level, the mouse may be useful. at the moment, this will not work in tile world, because of a bug in handling mouse moves.

level 11: hard

the title may be misleading as to the level's hardness.

level 13: chalice

this is probably my favorite level.

level 14: the right place, part 1

this level was made first, and then the next three were supposed to correct a bust present in the previous version.

when resetting a coordinate a second time, don't forget to make sure the corresponding tile at the bottom of the map isn't blocked.

x-(14,3) x-(14,2) x-(21,2)

level 18: counting

this level would still be solvable if the time limit were 100 instead of 999. it would also still be solvable if the chip were removed.

level 20: level twenty

90 is possible in an odd sort of way.

level 21: level twenty-one

except for the title, levels 20 and 21 are identical... or are they?

level 22: another one of these

the fast solutions are only possible in mscc.

level 23: don't solve this level

solving this level should result in a negative score in mscc due to an overflow in the score arithmetic, whence the title.

level 25: somewhat lacking in inspiration

the time limit on this level may be too low.

level 26: some block-pushing required

the time limit is generous, but this level is still quite long. it may in fact be the level with the longest shortest solution in a 'nontrivial' sense (i.e., that requires continuous thinking by the player).

level 27: felem mea amo

irritatingly, i missed the spelling error in the title of this level before i released it. what's worse is that i had actually corrected it, but then uploaded the wrong file.

level 28: another another one of these

a fix of the bust in level 22, i hope.

level 30: what now?

unless i made a mistake, this one should be impossible. three cheers for slide delay!
